Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Fathers Day! Our long week, in a nutshell :)

Its been a long week. We have been in Fredericksburg and back, and now, its Fathers Day! Addison has the best daddy in the world, and I am so lucky to have him around. I dont know what we would do without him!

While we were in Fredericksburg, Grandma and Grandpa put the swing up in their yard. Addie loved swinging in it and feeling the wind in her hair. I took her out there a couple times during our trip, and she giggled every time!
Addison loves Grandpa's TV...she was jumping in her jumperoo, but just couldnt take her eyes off of the TV!
We starting eating squash this past week. She doesnt quite know what she thinks of it yet, but she is getting better about it. She likes the way the spoon feels on her gums, so its pretty funny to watch her take a spoonful and "chomp" on it.
Everyday we have more and more fun as she gets older. She loves to look at her reflection in the mirror and smile and laugh at herself. Her laugh is so contagious...I can be in a complete funk and she starts belly laughing and I lose it. She seems to be so happy, I hope that we can continue to make her this happy as she gets older.
On a personal note, I am still on my crusade to lose weight. Its not going well. I am just at a major roadblock! Josh has been so encouraging, and we went grocery shopping and tried to make better choices...but I guess its gonna take some time. I just dont want to wait! Summer is here and it is so frustrating to see a closet full of clothes and not be able to wear any of them. My goal is that by the time my braces come off this winter, I want to be down at least 30 lbs. Please hold me to that!
This week, Addison and I have three playdates to go to, Daddy is going to be in New York, and then Grandpa Steve is coming for Addisons baptism. Its going to be a VERY busy week. Hopefully I will be better about posting!

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