Wednesday, July 4, 2007

O-HI-O and more...

well, we survived our first roadtrip with princess Addison. I have to say that it was definitely an adventure. A word of advice, don't leave during the bewitching hour (between 3 &5) and definitely drive through the night. We arrived in Wooster Friday afternoon and were greeted by Glen. He was out in the yard picking a rose for Norma. Too sweet. Anyway, we had a great time going to dinner, going to walmart and kohls and just hanging out around the house. They seemed to love Addison, and boy, Addison loved all the attention. While we were in Wooster, she worked really hard at scooting, and managed to scoot herself across the floor backwards. She was so proud, and so were her parents! Grandma took a turn at pushing Addie in the stroller around the walmart, and Grandpa was so happy that Josh found him a universal remote for his TV- no more getting on his knees with a flashlight to change the channel late at night! Hooray for technology!

We arrived in Akron on Saturday night, a little bit more tired than when we arrived in Wooster, but still going strong! Grandpa cooked us dinner since Alice wasnt feeling well. Brock came over with his fiance, and we got to meet Baby Brandon! Its amazing how big they get so quickly! He was still a little lump of a lovebug :) We went to Penny and Scotts the next day, and Josh had them show me the goodyear blimp hanger. Its huge! After a much needed nap, we headed to dinner...I dont think we need to eat again for weeks! When we got back, we were debating whether to hit the road...and ultimately we did. We drove through the night until we got to Winchester. The last leg of the trip was a breeze, and we made it back to Williamsburg a little heavier and a bit more tired. All in all it was a good trip, and were glad we did it. Addison is so sick of the carseat now...guess were gonna have to lay low until the beach in a few weeks!

Today is the 4th of July, and we decided to use it as a catch up/be productive type of day. We figured that Addison is too young to understand the fireworks-besides, its way past her bedtime! She wore her red, white and blue dress to be patriotic, but we spent most of the day hanging out around the house.

This weekend, Mike and his girlfriend are coming to visit, and were going to the beach to see Courtney, so there is no rest for the weary.

Josh and I have begun to try to watch our food intake in attempt for both of us to lose some weight. We are also in the process of looking for a new place to live, and hopefully we will have some place soon. We cant wait to have more room and get out of clutterville. It is so dark in this condo, and it definitely can have an affect on your mood. We are being very picky about our next move, since its the last time for a long time for us! I've moved four times in 2 years, and this will be 3 for Josh...I think weve both had enough for a long, long time.

Thats all for now, haha, I think I have written a novel. Happy 4th of July!

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