Monday, August 27, 2007

busy weekend

We had a super busy weekend. We went out to dinner on Friday at CheeBurger CheeBurger. Addison loves the fountain they have in New Town. She got all excited and flapped her arms all around when she saw it. I was surprised, since she didnt like the sound of the ocean, and she doesnt like the sound of the water running in the bathtub. I guess she is just picky :)
On Saturday we drove to Richmond and went to Short Pump Mall. Always a treat, but not so fun in 100 degree heat! We managed to go where we wanted and quickly fled to cooler places. Josh also painted Addison's room on Sat. Its green. I haven't taken pics yet, but I will make sure to post them later.
On Sunday, Grammy and Grandpa came down to visit. We went shopping, and out to lunch, and then Add showed off her new skills by crawling over the the dining room table and pulling herself half way up on the chair! This is all happening so quickly! I don't want to blink in fear that she will be on her way to college!
Speaking of college, here are some pictures of Addison being scholarly and reading (eating) a magazine. It also stormed like CRAZY on Sunday, and unfortunately we were at Farm Fresh when the sky exploded. We got DRENCHED! Addison thinks its hilarious whenever she gets soaked, so I took some pictures of Daddy and her all wet. They are too cute!
The video is just Addison being Addison- it makes me laugh everytime I watch it, and I thought some of you could use a laugh on a Monday morning!

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