Friday, August 24, 2007

Oh, to be a princess...

So, Josh pointed out last night that I have gone down in my number of blogs for August. I am contributing that to us not really going anywhere (we went on like 5 trips in July) and the fact that Addison is moving around, and its hard to do anything! :) I have started working out again, I have been DVRing Denise Austin on Lifetime (a tip I got from a PM mom) and doing the workout when I can. Here I am, sweating and panting, and Addison sits there and LAUGHS as she is watching me. Talk about making someone feel silly! If you ever doubting that Addison is a princess, here is her napping. In order to get her to fall asleep for her afternoon nap, I have to lay down with her. Normally, I try to take a nap with her, but I have been limiting my naps to try to get more energy and more accomplished. Here is what Addison looks like before I move her into her crib...a whole queen sized bed to herself...even I don't get that! :)

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