Thursday, September 27, 2007

8 Months Old!

September Stroller Pic (please excuse my dirty nose :()

Its hard to believe that Addison is 8 Months today. I was going through some old pictures, and found a picture of me and Mary Catherine when she was about 8 months old. Seems like just yesterday, which worries me, because she is already in Kindergarten! Time sure does fly by!

Some of Addison's new favorite tricks:
Pull up on the couch to see what were eating
Throw a fit when Daddy gets home from work and leaves the room to change his clothes
Talk to all animals and stuffed animals
Laugh at Elmo on the TV
Pull up on furniture and then try to climb on top of it
Bulldoze over mommy and daddy when they are trying to block her from doing something
Talk to her reflection in the trashcan and laugh
Wear shoes!
Bang any two objects together to see how much noise she can make
Read Peekaboo lift the flap books and feel the textured pages
Give Hi-fives!
Wave when she sees mommy or daddy :) I like this one.

Even Josh commented last night about how he couldnt believe that 7 months ago, she was a blob, and now she is climbing all over us like a monkey. We love her so much, she is everything we ever dreamed and so much more!!
Were going to the park later, so I will take her September Stroller picture to post here :)

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