Friday, September 21, 2007

busy week

We have had a super busy week with playdates and going to the park. Addison loves going to the park, although the grass must be pretty tasty, because she keeps trying to eat it! Everytime we put her in the swing, she laughs. People keep commenting that she is going to be a roller coaster riding thrill seeker when she gets bigger- lets hope not! Mommy doesnt do well with daredevilish stunts!

Here is her newest stunt. Yes, folks, thats my monkey of a daughter climbing on the fireplace! It didnt take long before she figured that one out! She has now tumbled off of it a few times, and hopefully, we wont be doing that anymore!

The return of the Jedi? Addison had a blast playing with the pipe cover!

Addison had her first real belly ache yesterday. I thought she was just being silly when I was taking the pictures, but I soon found out that she was laying there in agony :( My poor, pitiful baby! I should have known something was wrong- my baby doesnt stop and rest for anything!

Addison is super excited to meet Uncle Rich this weekend and to see everyone else! :)

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