Thursday, September 6, 2007

I'm slacking...

So I am slacking on my blogging duties. There is this little girl who does NOT want her mom to be on the computer, EVER. It seems like even when she is sleeping, she can sense that I am typing, and it wakes her up :)
We had a busy weekend. We went to Fredericksburg to watch Molly while Grammy and Grandpa went to Ohio. We spent a lot of time with Grandma and Grandpa :) Addison got to swing at Grandmas and we got to go shopping with Aunt Tara. Addison is crawling all over the place and she LOVED chasing Molly, Simba and Willow around the house. And Nick and Jack thought that Addison was just someone else to pet them (and pull their tails!)
This morning, we were getting ready to go meet someone for coffee, and I had to run upstairs to get my phone. I left Addison by the couch and the ottomen, since she usually likes to try to pull up. I come downstairs, and I can't find her! She had crawled into the kitchen, and when I called her name, she was peeking around the corner at me! Silly girl! :)Thank you to Grandma and Grandpa for buying her a playpen so that Mommy doesnt have a heart attack everytime I have to run upstairs! Her palette is expanding...she tried some of my hummus yesterday and LOVED it!
She is not to keen on baby food, but will pretty much eat any table food I give her.
Crawling is now not good enough and she is very anxious to pull up to standing. She can do it if she is pulling up on a person, but its about 50/50 with furniture. She is very cautious, and I am SO grateful for that :)

Here are some random pics from the past week...

Rough Day...

I love my swing!

Grandma, youre so silly!

Daddy locked us out on accident! We played in the yard til he came to save the day!

BIG girl :)

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