Sunday, September 16, 2007

Lazy days

Addison and I are having a blast playing together during the day. She is really such a sweet baby. She LOVES when you lay on the floor and let her climb all over you. She giggles every time she give a "high-five" and the ABC's will always get you a grin. She is learning to really play with her toys, and learning how to manipulate them the way that she wants. Its actually the best entertainment I have seen lately (especially since Dick and Danielle won BB8- urg.)Josh and I are amazed how quickly she picks things up, and how fast the time has flown by. Halloween is just around the corner, and then soon Thanksgiving and Xmas...its hard to believe that last year at this time, my ankles werent even swollen yet, and I was still working! I sure have learned a lot in the past 8 how to survive on NO sleep!

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