Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Well, we had to take Addison to the doctor on Monday. She has an ear infection and a cut in her ear. It was by far the worse doctors appt we have ever had. She screamed for about 20 minutes while the doctor tried to see in her left ear. They never were able to get it, so now were treating what was in the right ear and figuring that if the left was bad, this should take care of it, too. Then they wanted a urine sample, so we sat around FOREVER waiting for Addie to pee in the bag they stuck on her. If you have a mobile kid, you know how difficult it is to entertain them in the doctors office while you wait, especially when all they want to do is crawl all over the floor! But we survived. Last night, Josh took Addie to Fredericksburg because Grammy was having surgery. They didnt get to see her, but I know that they were both happy that they could be there. We have spent the day today just hanging out and trying to get better. I am starting to get a stuffy nose, too! :(


Addie loves talking to Mr. Pup E. Dog!

Buffin up

Addison was a whoppin 18lbs 13 oz and 26.5 inches tall! She is growing like a weed!

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