Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Busy Bee

Caged monkey

Yes, she is licking the glass...

Addison is a busy little bee these days. Shes faster than a speeding bullet when she crawls and now she can pull up on just about anything and everything. She has a new leapfrog table, which she loves, and she loves to make it make the same sound (someone singing 12345678910) over and over until her mother is ready to throw the table outside. She is also LOVING the peekaboo books, where you lift the flap. She gets SO excited when you read them, she flaps her arms and laughs. At the end of one, there is a mirror, and she knows its there and will not let you read the page before she checks herself out in the mirror! She is also beginning to really let us know what she wants! Tantrums over things being taken away (like money that she finds somewhere and tries to eat...where its coming from, I wish I knew, cause I would like some more!) and now when she is hungry, she gets my attention and crawls into the kitchen and waits by the food. Smart cookie! Her new favorite trick is the drop and roll, where she drops from the standing position right into a roll, and laughs. Its really cute. She kinda lingers in the roll with a big old smile on her face. I could just eat her up.
I got a job at the YMCA doing child watch. This is great because I can take Addison with me to work, and she plays with the rest of the kids and all the really cool toys while I watch the kids. There are about 4 adults in the room, and they can get anywhere from 20-40 kids throughout the session, which is about 5 hours. Its nice because you know you only have any given kid for a maximum of 2 hours, but its gonna be hard to learn everyones names. I also get a free membership to the Y, which is great, because I am going to add Addison on to it, and have her take swimming lessons. She LOVES the water in the bathtub, and loves when you pour water over her head. Silly girl. Hopefully with the Y membership, I can also find some time to workout!
If you have ever doubted that Addison looks like her Grammy, I think this picture seals the deal :)

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