Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Did I forget to mention...

...that Addison is 9 months old? Holy moly, I cant believe it!
She is: 19.6 lbs and 28 inches long!
We wore our costume to the doctors office today before our playdate, and they thought it was adorable. Addison wasnt too fond of the fact that "Winnie the Pooh" came in to give her her flu shot! I hope it doesnt scar her for life!

We went to our playgroup today and all the kiddos wore their costumes. Addie wasnt too happy during picture time (she had just gotten her shot and was hungry) but I tried to grab a couple pictures.

I got a couple more shots of Addison while we were waiting for trick or treaters, I will try to post them tomorrow :)

Carter says "It's okay, dear, it will be over soon"

Red faced blue eyed stinker

Me and my Gang

Her skunkiness

funky skunky

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