Thursday, October 25, 2007

She's got the beat

I like to put on the music station on the tv, that way there is noise, but nothing to distract Addison from playing. Plus, she loves music. Well today, I turned it on, and I was being silly and dancing, and she started clapping and dancing, too! I only caught a split second of her dancing (once my ham sees the camera, its all over) but check out her slick moves! She just might have been lucky enough to NOT get me or Josh's lack of rhythm!

back to the tv...she is obsessed with the remote. This afternoon, I had Dr. Phil on while she was napping. She woke up and we came downstairs and she played...with the remote. She managed to change the channel, and guess what she put on? Curious George! It was like she knew exactly what channel she wanted! Smart little booger. She is learning so much so fast. I think that going to work is making her learn even faster! She is cruising around like crazy, she learned from her new boyfriend Judah.
Today she was cruising around the table at work and she fell and hit her eye. :( Ouch! Then, she fell later and somehow managed to get a HUGE goose egg behind her ear. I think these are her first real ouchies! She is also eating mostly table food now. She loves goldfish crackers...but what kid doesnt? I have to admit that I have been eating them right along with her!
Here are some pre halloween pics of her taking a test drive as a skunk. You can see that it was not her favorite thing!

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