Friday, October 12, 2007


Addison is on an afternoon nap strike. Yesterday, she napped a total of an hour all day...and we had playgroup, which means she was exhausted. But she slept all night, so I am thinking I like this new schedule! Her personality is really beginning to emerge, and she is hilarious. She is McTrouble, for sure. She will start towards something she knows she is not supposed to touch...look back at me, smile, and then take off as fast as she can. I am in trouble for those terrible twos!
She can also stand by herself for 30 seconds or so if she is holding on to you and you let go (when she feels like it, of course)She gets all excited, and then cautiously gets down :) I tried to take a picture, but she was too interested in getting the camera, and wouldnt stay put :)
We went to the Y this morning, and she hung out in the child care while I filled out my paperwork...I could see her watching me walk away and I felt so bad :( But she had a blast, and was even stealing toys from the big kids!

BlueEyed Bandit- better watch your food! She stuck her hand in my cupcake at playgroup yesterday!

This one is my new favorites!

On a mission to get the camera!

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