Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Addie's chest

Yesterday Addie went to the doctor. We were there to get a couple things checked out and get her second dose of the flu shot. One of the things we got looked at was her chest. About a week ago, it started looking like it was caving in when she takes a deep breath. We took her to the urgent care in Fredericksburg while we were there, and they said she was breathing fine, and then on Monday she started developing a cough, so we decided to get it checked out by her doctor, too. They said she has Pectus Excavatum, which is a condition in which the chest wall looks like it is caved in. We are working on getting her an appt with a specialist in Norfolk so that she can be officially diagnosed, and we can see how severe her case is. Were pretty sure its mild, so just keep her in you prayers that it does not worsen as she gets older. I tried to take some shots of her chest so you could see what I am talking about, but its hard to see with the camera and a wiggly baby!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This doesnt make her any less perfect! Good for you for being on top of it. Call me if you need anything. xoxo