Sunday, November 11, 2007


Addison is just getting too big too fast. There are so many times now when I glance at her and see her cruising along the furniture, or just standing in the middle of the room, and I cant believe how old she seems. She understands so much now, and she seems like such a little toddler...I want to cry because my baby isnt such a baby anymore, but on the other hand, I am so excited about what each new stage brings!
Addison has said her first "official" word...she has said "mama" and "dada" and all of the other constanant sounds that babies make, but you never really feel like she is really relating them to their meaning...until now. What was my child's first real word? MORE. Not mom, not dad, not bye bye...MORE. And its crazy, because before she learned the word, she learned the sign, so now you definitely know thats what she means! It sounds more like "ma", but she says it while she is eating, and if youre not fast enough, it gets really intense and loud, and then her hands start signing "more" very aggressively! This happens a lot when she is eating graham crackers, her new favorite snack! She also says "ma" while she is playing, and sometimes were not quite sure what she wants more of, but its very cute! :)Here are some pics of her playing like a big girl with Daddy, and of her eating her snack out of a bowl while she watches TV (thank goodness for this new skill- its a lifesaver while I am trying to make dinner!!)

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