Friday, November 30, 2007


So we hiked back to the doctor today because last night Addies fever returned. She had a fever from the flu shot all day Wednesday, and that fever broke early Thursday morning, and a lower grade one returned on Thursday night. Her cough had gotten so bad thats she was gagging and vomitting. So, they did the usually listen and look, and tested her for flu and rsv. The flu came back negative immediately, and then we had to wait ALL DAY for the RSV results. Late this afternoon, they came back positive. She is absolutely miserable. I have never seen her this sick, and its breaking my heart that there isnt anything more I can do for her. I slept with her last night since her cough kept waking her, and I just wanted to snuggle her and make everything better. She just hasnt been herself today. She plays, cause she is a trooper like that, but then she will come rest on my lap for 20 mins and then go play for another ten. Its quite pitiful. I guess you can never understand how deeply a parent feels for their child until you are one. I know this is one of many things in her life that will make my heart ache, and I bet it never gets any easier. I am hoping that with the cough suppressent they gave her and the Z-Pack, that she will get a good nights sleep and be back to herself very soon. We were going to go to the Xmas parade tomorrow, but I am thankful that we are missing that and not the whole holiday shabang. :( I'll keep everyone updated as we nurse her back to health.

More about RSV:

1 comment:

Roxanna said...

Sure do hope she feels better soon.