Sunday, November 25, 2007

Were having a heat wave...

a tropical heatwave... Okay, not so much anymore. But Thanksgiving day was gorgeous! We took advantage of the weather and pushed Addie in the swing and played in the leaves. We had a wonderful thanksgiving, full of food and great company. Addie LOVED the Thanksgiving spread. SHe had glazed carrots, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, rutabaga, rolls, stuffing, cranberries, green bean casserole, and most importantly, turkey! She ate so much I thought she was going to burst, but apparently, we just havent been feeding her enough. She has been pigging out ever since. Here are some pics from the day, I didnt do a great job of making sure we were taking pictures, but I did get some :)

I got tired of the slideshow has some of the same ones that are already on the page, but you get the idea :)

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