Thursday, December 27, 2007

parental etiquette

Today was a beautiful day. A little chilly, but 60 degrees is paradise at the end of december. After work and a nap, I decided to go walking and take Addie to the park. We loaded up the stroller, I put on my new workout clothes, and we headed on our way. The park is about a half mile from our house, it has a track around it that is 2/3 a mile, and a playground known as "Kidsburg". There is a little fenced in area for the little ones to play, equipped with two baby swings. If you have ever seen Addison on a swing, you would know that it melts your heart. She gets the giddiest, silliest laugh while she is swinging, and you can tell that she is enjoying every minute of the thrill. Anyway, we walk over to the park, and there are two people on the swings. No big deal, now that she is walking, I let her walk around a bit, but since it rained all day yesterday, even the mulch is soggy. She waddled around, but we stayed within 3 feet of the swings at all time. 5 mins pass. 10 mins pass. Were pushing 15 mins, and neither of the other parents even ask if I am waiting for a swing. They just pretend like I am not there. They start chit chatting with each other. Both of their kids were two. One of them was visiting from Alabama, one of them has lived in Williamsburg for three years. They both have older kids that are the same age, yaddy yaddy yada. One of them even left their child in the swing while they went and tended to their other kid. She was just hanging there. If someone had said "are you waiting for a swing?", I would have responded, "its okay, take your time"...but no one even bothered. I was a bit miffed. First of all, their children were old enough where they could go run and play on the slide and the equipment, and it is obvious that my little one is still learning to get around. Secondly, I know you see me. If you see someone lingering around a piece of equipment, wouldnt you think that maybe their child would like a turn, too?! I was annoyed, but glad that Addison doesnt understand yet, because I had been telling her we were going to swing, and since I had to be at work at 5, we couldnt wait around for them to leave. Grr. Anyway, if you go to the park anytime soon, please think of me and do not monopolize the swings. Thats all I have to say about that...

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