Sunday, June 29, 2008

she wants to be a supermodel...

So Addison continues to keep us entertained. She is constantly talking to us, mostly in unidentifiable sentences, so it definitely keeps you guessing. I am starting to pick up bits and pieces of them from her gestures, but for the most part, I am just as clueless as the next guy. She is starting to play pretend a lot, feeding her stuffed animals, and getting mad when they cant put it in their mouths and swallow the food. I have tried to explain to her that its just pretend, but if you have been around her much lately, you know that she is very adamant about sharing her food! You MUST take it or she will continue to offer it to you until your eyes cross.
She is picking up some random signs from watching Baby Einstein in the car, and she is teaching them to me! :) Next time you see her, see if she will sign "table" or "friends" for you! Friends is actually pretty funny because it looks nothing like the real sign!
She has also been playing dress up like I mentioned before. Tonight, she found a pair of my underwear (they were clean, they are my granny panties from when I was pregnant) and walked around with it around her neck. She thought she was hot stuff!
She also moved her chair into our bedroom all by herself and plopped herself in it while I did laundry. Silly girl was ready to move into our room!
Speaking of rooms, Grammy found a great deal on a toddler bed, and set it up for Addie at their house. Addison loved it! She was so excited when she saw it. She successfully took a nap on, even when Daddy left her in there alone, and awake! She also fell asleep on it last night. I am not sure that I am ready to convert her crib at home, but at least we know she is okay with the bed!
Addison has been running a fever randomly for the past two days. I chalked it up to her teeth, but it is looking like she very well might have hand foot and mouth. Ick. For those of you who have not had the pleasure of dealing with this virus, it is no fun. Its like the chicken pox in the fact that once you know you have it, you have already been contagious, but they get little blister like bumps on their hands, feet and mouth (hence the name) and a sore throat. So far it is looking like if thats what it is, its a very mild case, but still...ick. So say some prayers the the sick duck gets better soon!


Roxanna said...

I love the panties pictures you will have to save that for when she starts dating : ) I hope she feels better soon.

Freemad said...

Lisa -

I love Addison's little pigtails. So Cute!