Wednesday, July 30, 2008

broken camera=broken heart

Grandma, Mary Catherine, and Addison looking for "beez"

being silly at WC

Addie's Hurricane Preparedness Plan...Giraffe, Paci, Paci, and Paci. Check.

Is that...cake!?

Messy smiles with Nick and Lil

Silly girl loves some ice cream!

So, I will begin by saying that I broke my kodak. I was trying to put it back in the case, and it slipped out of my hands and took a pretty bad dive into the floor. Its heart is still there, but it just cant muster up the energy to stay on, so it will be making a trip to kodak in the near future, where the diagnosis will hopefully show nonfatal injuries. So until then, pictures and videos will likely be scarce.

Onto life in the ever changing Everett household.

Addison celebrated a milestone this past sunday. Eighteen months! One and a half. Halfway to two! I am in denial, although her behavior is definitely leaning more towards that of a spoiled two year old and less like that of an innocent baby. Let the tantrums begin. Oh, wait, they already have! Everyday seems to bring more and more of them, and I am so very not ready for this. I think every parent must question whether they are doing something to provoke these horrible encounters. I know I am certainly pondering where I could have possibly gone so wrong that my little angel is rebelling in this horrific manner. I know that it comes with the age, but jeez. I know, mom will tell me that this too shall pass, but I am praying that we both make it out of this one alive!
We spent a most relaxing weekend in Fredericksburg, no agenda, just family and fun. It was a much needed visit, and Josh suprised me by arranging for us to go spontaneously. We had lots of fun with everyone, and most of all, I think Addison REALLY enjoyed Nicholas' birthday cake! (I cant believe he is 12 already!!)
I am sure I will have more to write later, Addison has her well baby appt this morning. I just needed to get this out before I was clogged with blog. (I crack myself up)

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