Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

Hope you had a great day!

Hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday weekend. We are exhausted to say the least, but very glad that we made the trek up north to see the Mendoza clan.
What can I say? Addison may not look filipino AT ALL, but she definitely puts down those filipino eggrolls like a champ! At one point, she was double fisting them and snatching them off of Aunt Tara's plate!
She loved swimming, but the water was FREEZING! She was a good sport and loved playing with her cousins Isabella and Nicolas. She also was so excited that Grandpa Steve was there! She kept saying his name and running over to him to give him high fives.
I am glad that we got to visit with everyone. Uncle George told us that our Aunt Yola passed away. She still lived in the Philippines, and he went over to go to her funeral. Just a reminder about how important it is for us to take these opportunities to go visit with all of the aunts and uncles, and I am glad we found a way to make the trip happen (thanks mom and dad!)

Addison was not cooperative with the camera at all this weekend, so I did the best I could. I wanted to get pics of her with all of the aunts and uncles, but she was too much of a wiggle worm!
On another note, we have exciting news of a new addition to announce....(drumroll please...)

Meet Elmo, Bert and Ernie! Addison's new pet fishies! Daddy surprised her when she came home with a new pet! She was super excited about them. :) Daddy picked out Elmo because he was red :)

When Daddy was in NY, he got Addie a Monk Onesie. We used to call her Monk because she used to point to everything in a row with her one index finger, and she still lines things up in rows. She looked so cute in it and got lots of compliments on it!

1 comment:

Polly said...

Hey Lisa I no longer have your email address but had a question for you. Do you happen to have an email for Rachael (lemonparade) I have something I need altered and was wondering is she could do it for me:) Thanks.