Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ready, Set, Go!

This little girl never ceases to amaze me. Just when you think youre getting used to her chatter, she comes out with something new. Her new phrase is "Bless you!". I sneezed in the car the other day, and in the back seat, I hear "besh ooh". Josh sneezes and its the same thing. This afternoon she came running, all the way around the couch and into the kitchen, and when I didnt notice her standing there, she gently touched my leg and said "besh ooh", and went running off back to her toys. I think this one amazed me more than any other phrase because its not something I taught her. I mean, not directly, anyway. Too funny. I think her and Molly have been talking about the running over to someone when they sneeze thing :) haha. She is getting good with using her manners. The vaccuum (who is her biggest enemy, I might add) was in her way this evening, and she looked at it and said "Mu me." (translation:Excuse me). I said, "See, it was nice to you and didnt get you because you used your manners!" haha. She is a big person in a short little body!
Tonight in the bathtub, she counted all by herself. I said one, and she said "two, three, four" Four?! We didnt know she knew four, and she even knew it came next! So cool.
I caught her this weekend playing ball with herself in the foyer, and everytime she would get ready to bounce it, she would say "readyset GO!"
I cant believe how big she is getting, and its all happening so fast! :)
Per usual, our weekend was super duper busy. Busch Gardens yesterday morning, a cookout last night, and Water Country this morning. We dont ever take pictures at WC like we do at BG, so I took the camera today intending to take some, and only got a few before I forgot all about it. But dont you worry, were going back on Tuesday! We love WC- Addison is even getting a tan!! :)

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