Tuesday, August 12, 2008

she always comes through...

So determined!

not quite there...the olympics are just out of reach...


Dont worry, we have already had the drinking and driving talk!

Running and playing with her pseudo sibling Mikey (we work together everyday, and him and Addie are like thing1 and thing2...and they fight like brother and sister :))

Just when you think youre at your wits end, that the tantrums will never stop, that you have completely failed at parenting 101, that youre destined to raise a spoiled child...the phase is over. Just in time. The funny thing is that this past phase of tantruming, although I know will not be the last we see, only lasted about a week. Thank goodness. We read the book "Hands are not for hitting" and she responded really well to it! (Thanks Tricia!) I dont know what has changed, but she is back to being my reasonable, fairly calm little girl who just wants to have fun. (currently knocking on wood!! I know I may wake up tomorrow and we could be back at it again, but for the most part, she has been really good the past couple of days. She must have known that Mommy needed a cuteness reminder!

Here are some videos...the new videos can be viewed in HD...ooooooh! (I was told to add that, in case you didnt guess)
more of the Addster being a horsey....

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