Saturday, September 20, 2008

Theres no place like home!

(Please excuse the camera strap, its my weekend off from being a good photographer, lol)
Appropriate title, since this is the first weekend in many that we havent had any plans and have been able to actually clean and spend time in our home. Its been great!

Addison is going to be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz for Halloween (not to be confused with Dorothy the fish from Elmo's world!) While we were out shopping, we went ahead and picked up her ruby red was love at first sight. She wanted to put the on the minute she saw them, held them all through Target, showed them to her Elmo doll the minute she got in the car (look, Elbo, shoooooes!)and then as soon as I took her converse off, on went the red shoes. She was so excited about them that we had to hide them so that we dont have to spend the next month arguing about ruby red slippers and pink dresses!

On another note, we took Coop with us yesterday for an afternoon playdate, and I think that dog ran more than he ever has in his life. He was loving all of the attention from the kids. Have I ever mentioned how lucky I am? I have two of the greatest friends right here in Williamsburg, and I dont know where I would be without them. Addison and I are truly blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives. I really do hope that we all stay here, and that our kids grow up together. I love my margarita girls! :)
Here are some pics from the playdate. Didnt get too many, because I was trying to get some shots of Jeremiah for Katie, but I tried, and failed (once again) to get a picture of our four munchkins, but you can see for yourself how well that went!

Yesterday, Addie told me that she had to go potty and actually went! I was so excited, especially since I havent really been pushing the potty issue lately. She got a chocolate instead of an M&M since we were downstairs, and the whole time she ate it she kept saying "mmmmmm...." :) Guess it was good!
On Thursday we are headed to Nags Head to go to Liz and Dan's wedding! We are super excited about our mini vacay!

1 comment:

jessica oriole salay said...

that black and white picture is ADORABLE! addie is going to be a super cute dorothy plus she has her own toto this year!