Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Our state fair is the best state fair...

Dont miss it, dont even be late! Thats for you, mom.

Anyhoo, we had a busy weekend, starting with Addie and I traveling up north so that I could go to the New Kids on the Block concert with Court. It was everything I ever dreamed and more! We didnt sit down the entire concert, we screamed our hearts out to the boys we once pledged our love to, and when it was all said and done we were happy, giddy girls with no voice! It was awesome! I didnt take any pics, but Court has promised me that once she has a free moment, she will share hers :)

On Saturday we drove up to the RIR for the state fair! We met Grandma, Grandpa, Nick, Lil and MC there, and we had a blast. Addison got so excited about seeing all of the animals! She got to pet the rabbit, sheep and pigs, and she even got to meet Lady Luck (Doesnt she look thrilled?!)! Mommy rode her first fair roller coaster with the kids. It was a great day, and we all were tuckered out afterwards! My mom won her a mini clifford while we were riding the roller coaster, and every time she sees it, she says "Cifford. Ganpop. Fun."
On sunday, Grammy, Grandpa, and Molly came down to visit. We headed out shopping and to lunch. We did a photo shoot of Addison...but you will have to wait til xmas to see those! :)

Today I was completely mortified because Addisons diaper leaked while she was in the CHickfila playplace, and it was quite the mess. Thank goodness she was the only one in there, and I am SO grateful that my good friend Tricia was there with me...I think I would have died of embarrassment and anxiety if she hadnt been. The kicker was that I was carrying Addison to the bathroom, and of course she has poop all over her so it was awkward, and she is going "mommy, FUN!". I am glad I am the only one who was traumatized by the event. I apologized to the workers, but it will be a long time before I can show my face there again!!

Silly Addison-isms of the week:
*She pointed to a Unicorns horn and said "Mommy, Party Hat!"
*She fell off her chair at the Y and when I said "What happened?" She responded "I just fall"
*She was eating her fruit leather, and said "Look, Mommy, F!"
*She has started going through phases where she names everything she can see as fast as she can: "Mommy.Daddy.Pooper.Milk.Flower.Cup.Spoon."
*She started singing more than just the last word of the song!

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