Monday, November 10, 2008

Conversations with an almost two year old...

I find myself laughing lately...a lot actually. Having a conversation with Addison can be the most entertaining thing about my entire day. She never fails to come up with something out of the blue, something that I didnt know she knew anything about, or some observation that is just outright hilarious. They probably arent as funny if you have never experienced Addie speak.

Example one: We are all in the car in the starbucks drive thru. Josh orders him and me Mochas. The backseat pipes up:

"Where Addie mocha?!"
Hmm....apparently we do this more often than we think.

Example two:
Addison: Mommy, Tara!
Me: What honey? Aunt Tara?
Addison: Yeah. Tara. Present.
Me: Present?
Addison: No, party! Aun Tawa present parteeee.
Me (after several attempts at decoding): you want to buy Aunt Tara a present for the party?
Addison: yeah!

What party? I have no idea.

Example three: Addison asked for a "pop hart" (pop tart) for snack after nap.
She is quietly eating her pop tart and watching TV when all of sudden she panics...
A: Oh, no!
Me: Whats wrong?
A: mommy, pop hart on my foot!
Me: You have pop tart on your foot?
A: Yeah!

Did she in fact have pop tart on her foot? I will never know, because Cooper promptly came over and licked any evidence clean!
"oh, no, pooper pop hart foot!"

Example four:
We are getting ready to go through the chickfila drive thru as a last ditch effort to eat dinner after a loooooong night.

The very sleepy backseat chimes in:
"OOOOOH! Chic-KEN. Fren Fies! Lelele!"

Apparently we do this more often than we think too!
and then she mimics Josh:
"No, at be all"
"O. K. Tanks!"

Hopefully with the holidays coming up, you too can experience your own encounter with an almost two year old. I hope she keeps you as entertained as she keeps me!


Ryan and Kim said...

These sound so familiar!

MKatesMommy said...

Haha! I have to tell you it doesn't get any better when they are almost 3! Did I just say that??? My baby is almost 3. It flies doesn't it?