Friday, July 27, 2007

6 months old

Addison is 6 months old today! Its hard to believe that six months have gone by. They have truly been the most amazing, exhausting and most rewarding six months of my life. She has accomplished so much- its hard to believe that six months ago she could barely open her eyes. Now, she is mesmerized by everything- the grass, the trees, the wind, the lint on the carpet...its all brand new to her, and I love seeing her expression when she finds something new. Its like Christmas everyday.
I am thrilled to get out of the apartment, but it is still bittersweet. This is the home we brought our brand new little baby to when we left the hospital. This is where I started having contractions, and where we spent those first nights as "parents". This is where my baby learned to eat and sleep and the place she smiles at when we walk in the door. As much as we disliked it here, it was still home, and the memories we had here are irreplacable. Good thing we have plenty of pictures, haha! :)

As we wrap up this week, we begin a new start in a new home, with our big girl :)
Here are some pictures I took today on her "half way to one" bday :)

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Addison is getting so big!!! Happy 6 months!!
