Thursday, December 20, 2007

"Good things come in small packages"

Merry Christmas! Since I probably wont be posting again until after Christmas, I just wanted to wish everyone a happy, safe, and joyous Christmas. We will be traveling up to Fredericksburg on Saturday, so we hope to see many of you then!

Other than that, this post will probably be very jumbled.

Addison's hair actually stayed in a ponytail ALL day!! YAY! She kept reaching for her bow, but couldnt find it, since it was on top of her head and not on the side.
Apparently I was having a "need to take pictures" kind of day, because there sure are a lot from today. Maybe our day was just that eventful? haha.
I started out the day taking pictures of her hair, because its not very often that she has it up, and I had no idea it would actually stay that way! I also wanted to get pictures in her cute xmas shirt. Thanks Tricia, so giving that to her! Its a 2T, so I was surprised it fit, but she has monkey arms! And I do have to add that never in a gazillion years did I think that I would have a child with eyes as blue as hers. Time will only tell if theyre going to stay that way, but I am enjoying them for now!

As many of you know, Addie LOVES her laugh and learn puppy. She especially likes when he plays music, and she knows exactly which paw plays the music and she uses it like a radio until she find the song she likes (yes, she is that picky already!). Today, something very tragic happened. When Addie went to play puppy's song, nothing happened!! She got very frustrated with him, and ended up in tears. I think she thinks he doesnt want to be her friend anymore! Hopefully some new batteries will bring puppy back to life! This is the face of a frustrated friend...

Just like any other child, Addie hates to have her face wiped. She loves to wash her hands in the sink, but the face wipe is a different story. She has now started bracing herself for the wipe. She winces her face together when she knows it is coming. Its really cute. She also does this in the bathtub when she knows youre going to pour water on her head, but she actually enjoys when we do that! Here is a silly girl enjoying some mac and cheese... Her face says "its the cheesiest!" :)...and bracing herself for the face wipe she is about to get!

Daddy called to say that he was on his way home from work, and that he had a present for Addison. He walked in the door with an Addie sized penguin from Marco (Josh's Boss)! It is really cute, and Addie seems to like him, although she is not sure about his size. She kept trying to push him over to see if he could hold his own, but here she is giving the penguin some love, and introducing him to her other friends.

We are nearing the end of our day. If her hair tells you anything, this is the kind of day Addie had. Just kidding! Here is my punk rocker!

Whew. That was a whopper of a post. But as they say, "its the most wonderful time of the year!", and I am sharing it with the most wonderful child I could ask for. This age truly amazes me. I will bid farewell with a video of rockstar dancing (please ignore Hannah Montana talking to Oprah in the background...its really loud)and her talking to me (Baby Whisperer, please decode this one, MOM!), One of her scoping out the xmas present Santa keeps forgetting to hide, and my artistic piece of the day.

We have been reading this to Addie every night, so it only seems fitting...
"They heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight, Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

1 comment:

Ryan and Kim said...

that was a whopper of a post. way to blog!