Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Its pretty bad when you babble even when youre typing. I got so off track in my last post that I forgot to add everything I wanted to say. Last Friday Addison and I went to Yankee Candle to hear Santa read a story. If you have never been to the Yankee Candle here, it is a magical place. It is not just a store, it has someplace to eat, a toy store, and a Christmas area where it snows every 5 minutes. It is very cool. Santa has been there for the past month, and we have waved to him in passing. When he sat down to read the story, Addison's friend Phillip was up in front, incredibly excited about Santa. Addie took that as her cue, and she walked over to Santa while he was reading, and stood by him. It was really cute, I wish I had my camera! Apparently, Addison is not afraid of Santa. My friend Sharon had her camera with her, and she got a couple of shots of Addie and me in winter wonderland!
There are a couple girls that I work with, and they have little boys that are very close in age to Addie. Judah is 10 days older than Addie, and they have become buds since they see each other almost every day. It is so much fun to watch them, They really do have their own language. Today they kept kissing each other! As germy as it was, it was absolutely adorable. Judah likes to babble a lot, and after they kissed, Judah looked at her with a concerned face, put his hands in the "well, I dont know" position, and started babbling away to her. They are like an old married couple at 11 months! Mikey, the other girls boy had just woken up from a nap (thanks to Judah and Addie banging on the exersaucer together, and screaming with each other -notice I did not say "at") While Mikey was in the crib, Addie and Judah stood in front of him, as if to say "dont worry, buddy, we'll bail you out!". When Mikeys mom took him out of the crib, he started crying. Addie and Judah stopped what they were doing (they were sitting next to him), Judah babbled to Addie, and then at the exact same time they turned around to look at Mikey as if to say "What's your issue?"...And then they both turned back around and crawled away together. It is so cool to see them interacting with each other, because you can really tell that they understand each other. We are so lucky to be there to get to witness them together, and that they have a buddy that they know will be there to play with each day. They greet each other every morning, and it reminds me that as great as it is for me to have a job, its great for her, too.
Okay, I think I am done babbling for the night, its past my bedtime! I think it has finally cooled off enough up here where we will be able to sleep. Night everyone!

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