Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

It finally got cold here! Not that I am especially excited about that, but it does make it seem more like the holidays. This morning was the first time this year that I had to defrost my car before work. I think Josh said its supposed to be 70 one day this weekend, which is just too crazy to fathom. The down side of the cold was that we had the heat on this morning. For those of you who dont know, we have problems with our heat, and if you leave it on too long, the upstairs reaches a whopping 100 degrees. Guess who forgot to turn it off before they left for work? Addie can be so forgetful! Okay, okay, it was me. I was stunned to return home at 2 this afternoon and find it 97 degrees upstairs, and more importantly, unnappable. (I think I just made that word up.) Needless to say, Addison slept naked with the window open on this sunny, 43 degree day. Fabulous.
Its been a while since I got around to blogging. Josh and I went to his christmas party this weekend, where the theme was "Winter Lumberland". For those of you who saw the fathers day book I made, I was happy to see someone else playing around with the "land of lumber". :) They had the characters from the Rudolph movie all around, and they were wearing, you guessed it, Lumber Liquidators shirts. Very cute.
My friend Rachel babysat Addie for us, and we are swapping babysitting, which is a good deal. Her daughter is a cutie!
Addie has a new word. She says "na", which means "snack". If she sees the bag of goldfish, she will "na" you to death until you give her some. So, she now says "more", "snack", "mama", and "dada". Thats my girl, shes all about the food! :)
Addie is getting around pretty well now as far as walking. She seems to still prefer to do it on her own terms, and crawling is definitely faster and more efficient, but she is getting there, and we are still in awe when we see her walk across the room.

We are super excited about visiting with friends and family in a few days. There are several people that we are going to get to see that we dont get to see often, and we are really looking forward to it!

Christmas Party

Trying to climb Mt. kitchengate

Does this purse match my outfit? Why, yes, yes it does! :)


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