Friday, July 11, 2008

Little surfer, Little One...

...made my heart come all you love me, do you surfer girl?

We were "having fun at the beach" (insert wiggles music here) and enjoying our visit with Grammy and Grandpa this week. Addison LOVED the fact that Molly came, too, and even a day later, when you mentioned Molly's name, Addie got all teary and kept saying through her sobs, "my Molly". Unfortunately our trip to the beach didnt last very long due to some nasty rain blowing through, but it gave Addison just enough time to get adjusted to the sand and the water. I thought she did really well with the ocean after Grandpa slowly eased her in. She could not get used to the airplanes flying overhead, I have to admit, they were REALLY loud. Grandpa will have to send me some pics so I can post them of our little surfer girl :)

In day to day life, Addison is very much a toddler. She can run super fast and has been trying really, really hard to learn how to jump. No success yet, but we are getting a kick out of watching her try. We are now doing all things toddler, and this includes using chalk to color on the driveway, and playing with playdough! Anything to keep our little craft lover occupied on these long hot afternoons! Mommy even let her have her very own oreo the other day! :) The vocab is moving along. Josh and I are still probably the only people in the world who consistently understand her, but were getting there. She is now putting "I"'s in the front of words, for instance, when you say "are you okay" she will either say "yeah" or "I okay". She says "I walk" and "I eat". Its very cute.

Today we went and met with some friends from VA Beach. Mommy and Miss Mary Grace were friends when they were 6 or so, and they used to do all kinda of things together. Mommy remembers learning how to swim with Mary Grace during private lessons at her house, and going to CCD and dance with her too. Mary Grace moved when we were in third grade, and through the wonderful world of myspace, we have started chatting back and forth. Maya, Mary Grace's daughter is one month older than Addison, and they are like two peas in a pod. It was so adorable, and kinda freaky how much alike their personalities and mannerisms were!


Roxanna said...

wow she really is getting big... I love the new look of your page, the pictures are great.

The Keast's - Bryan, Sara, Evelyn & Bella said...

ooo i see that you have the same wagon that we're looking at getting for Evelyn. How do you like it? I LOVE all the pics!! Addie is getting SO big! And her hair is so long! Way too cute!