Wednesday, July 23, 2008

No Nap Nelly

From Addison's Journal:
July 23, 2008

So, today my mom really pushed the sleep schedule limits. I woke her up promptly at 7 (since my internal clock began singing me the wiggles), and I was ready for the day. I faced the morning with courage and prepared myself for the challenge that I faced. That mom woman kept telling me that we needed to eat and that I was going back to sleep. Back to sleep!? She has lost her mind, I just woke up. Despite my efforts to fight it, I found myself back in the cage an hour and a half later. She kept mentioning something about pictures, but she is always taking pictures, so I dont understand why this requires more sleep than normal? I tried to voice my opinion, but she seems to have developed a crying antidote and no longer seems phased by my attempts. Foiled. So much to my dismay, I fell asleep. Score one Mommy. (Note to self, find new technique to protest such attempts!)
She then woke me up (why did you make me go to sleep if you were just going to wake me up? She is really making no sense) and we got dressed and headed out the door. Per usual I ran away from the noise that the awful monster that lives in the garage makes. That mommy woman put me in the sleep inducing machine, and told me we were going to visit said "daddy". She teased me with voices singing songs that I recognized from the big box in the living room...but where were the little people that come with them? I couldnt find them anywhere. What a jip!
We took pictures,despite my many attempts to keep my back turned towards the camera. (doesnt she know that bright light doesnt make me blink anymore!?) And then, I realized that everyone was looking at me and talking to first instinct was to hide, but...oh, wait. Dont worry I realized my error and recalculated my strategy, and I turned the cuteness meter up to 10 and milked it for the last 10 mins. I think I got to them.
We got back in the sleep inducing machine, and my sleep numbers where skyrocketing, flashing inside my head...
She wants me to go to sleep! Not a chance, woman, you havent fed me! Quick! Mayday! Think of something to help yourself. Doing everything possible to NOT fall asleep. Reach for book. Check. Ask for milk that I threw on the floor. Check. Lose Paci somewhere in my seat. Check. Ahh, yes, I beat the clock and we have arrived home with my eyes wide open. Score one, Addison!
She fed me lunch and told me we were going to "splash" with Mikey. I have come to realize that "splash" is a term that is used a bit lightly around here. "Splash" in that little thing upstairs with the scary thing they call the "shower?" No way. But Mommy puts on her "baby suit" so I know that I am safe. We are headed out to bigger, better things.
In the sleep inducing machine, I had to use up most of my energy reserve to keep from falling asleep. By the time we got to the park, I was about to lose control...when my pal Elmo came to the rescue! I could hear his voice so clearly...His song, playing music and causing my body to involuntarily dance, thus keeping me awake...Thank you, Elmo!!
Cruising into the park was a breeze, but the sun...oh, that evil sun... it was sucking all of my energy out. I laid down, just for a minute, but I was so scared that I wasnt going to make it. Like a knight in shining armor, Mikey came and saved the day! Score another one for Addison! (I get by with a little help from my friends!)
We splashed and played. I kept catching her looking at me, trying to see if she had gotten to me yet. "Are you sleepy?" she kept asking...No! I shook my head with all my might just in case I was in fact falling asleep. No! Not me!
I had a hunch that I would be running on completely empty by the ride home. I had been training for this day for so long, I wasnt about to blow it now! It was a close call, giraffe kept whispering lullabyes into my ears, but somehow, I made it through, and caught a glimpse of the park near our neighborhood just in the nick of time! Whew! It was almost a bad situation, but I pulled through in the end. Score another one, Addison. Whats the score now? Oh yeah. I am winning big time.
I knew that I was homefree when mommy sat on the couch. It was all over and without that sleep inducing machine, there was no way she was getting me to sleep! I could see her eyelids getting heavy. She making that silly face with her mouth wide open, and rubbing her eyes. Could it be true? Could I really be outlasting mommy's energy reserve? I had heard of such things from my friends, but I didnt think it was possible. I didnt think that I had enough reserve to make it! Yes! That ringing sound that Daddy makes every afternoon went off, and I knew I was good to go!
I started fussing during dinner just to cut them some slack. I knew they had tried their best to wear me out today...but I guess their best is just not good enough anymore!
I refueled and hosed down, and I am pretty proud of myself. I didnt even protest when they put me in the cage. I know I got to her. I might stay up and listen, but I am pretty sure that Mommy will be crashing out right behind me.

Misson Sucessful! I have beat the Mommy monster! (note: no mommys were harmed in this experiment, although I think I may have to schmooze her with kisses tomorrow to guarantee I get my cookies...but I can take one for the team!)

Mommy edited to add: my mind is mush. See what happens when I dont get enough sleep!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lisa this was too funny! I was giggling away reading it.