Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Rockin' and Rollin'

Happy Birthday Auntie Jess (sleppy behm, haha)!!
Addison has been really rockin' out the tunes lately. She now sings the last words of each phrase in a song. So when she sings the days of the week song, she says "...eeek....day!", and when we sing the ABC's, she gets "ABC...G...P...YZ...Me." Its really cute. She is also counting to 9! She tends to skip 7, but were working on it! :) She also taught herself how to do a somersault. One day, she just put her head on the ground, and pushed and rolled herself over. She is not great at it, so most of the time she just plops herself over and then claps. She also claps at Daddy when he goes down the slides at WC. She loves to watch him come down, just as long as you dont try to take her near a tube! She tells him "yay dad-dee!" and claps for him. Its so sweet!

Addie "jumping" and doing somersaults :)


Please excuse the smudge on my lens...what a great photographer I am! (rolling my eyes at myself)

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