Monday, August 18, 2008

Hot potato, hot potato

We are now at the stage where even though we dont understand everything that comes out of Addisons mouth (or her gestures), we definitely know that SHE always knows what she is talking about, and that it does, in fact, mean something.
She has been making this sign to me randomly for the past couple of weeks. Josh thought she was just rubbing her hands together. I couldnt figure out what it was. She would do it at the weirdest times, and so I could never get a grip on what she was trying to say. Until today.
We were watching the wiggles this morning (shocker, I know), and the song hot potato came on. Out comes the sign! She was doing the dance that they do on the show. Silly me to think that it meant something important, but I knew it meant something! That silly girl did every movement for the song (hot potato, cold spaghetti, and mashed banana) and sang "nana, nana, nana..." and "oooh wiggly wiggly." Monkey See, Monkey Do. It is so crazy how absorbant she is. Her new phrase is "'mon" (Come on!) She will pull my hand and say "'mon, mommy!" :)

We went to the LL picnic this weekend, and then I headed to the F Burg for a bachelorette party. Addison thought that wearing the same shirt as mommy and daddy was the coolest thing ever. She kept pointing to the LL logos on each of our shirts. I came home on Sunday wearing mine, and she immediately looked at her shirt to see hers and was very confused when it wasnt there! She did her "Where is it?" hands, and I had to explain that her shirt was in the laundry. :)
We were all exhausted by sunday night. I am too old to hang with the big girls, apparently. Its gonna be a busy couple of months!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You and me both. Post hair pics please and thank you. Love Addie in her car seat. They grow too quickly. :)