Thursday, August 21, 2008

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

already starting her letter to santa?!

Addison is a full blown toddler. She reeks of toddler in everything she does, from playing to eating, to sleeping. We have battles over silly things, she picks at her food on her plate, she wants to do everything by herself, asks for help, and then gets mad when you help her, she talks in sentences and sings random silly songs. She tells you about boo boos she got days ago, and she has nightmares about random things.
Yes, nightmares. They are becoming more frequent, although still only once a week or so. One night it was "wok", which could mean a number of things in Addie speak, from "walk", to "Rock" to "bock bock". I am not sure what could be scary enough in her life to have bad dreams about, but I sure wish she could tell me about them!
She is also on a story telling kick. She will tell you a story, and talk your ear off, but unfortunately, even us parental units only understand about a third of what she is talking about. Thank goodness for hand gestures! Her new favorite terms are "yup" (I know Lindsay was loving her proper English, haha) and "I did it!" (even if she didnt really do it! :))
She is serious about her play. She is becoming a little monkey, she can get around the playground on her own (with mommy right behind her of course) and she is ready to climb up and down. She loves climbing the stairs to the slide, but ironically, hates sliding. She is actually starting to go down very small ones on her own, and actually holds herself up now (which is a big accomplishment). She actually went up and down and through the play place at Chickfila the other day...I couldnt believe it! She LOVED it, and was so proud of herself!
She is also VERY serious about her artwork. She gets a determined look on her face, and she will sit and do art for 20 mins! She loves crayons, markers, chalk...but especially pencils and pens. She loves to paint with water on the sidewalk, but doesnt understand where her art goes, haha :)

Here are some pics of the chica playing hard :)and some of her hardly playing, haha.

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