Thursday, August 28, 2008

Meet Cooper!

Its been a very, very busy week! We had a wedding in Front Royal this weekend, so we headed up to Fredericksburg. It surely kicked me in the pants! I dont think I have recovered yet, and we have another one on Saturday! On Monday, Grandpa, Grandma, Aunt Susie, Uncle Walter and Grandpa Steve came to visit us in Williamsburg! Addison loved having everyone over, and she loved riding on the wheelchair with Grandpa Steve when we went to Jamestown! It was a really nice visit, I wish it could have been longer. Here are a few pictures. I know Aunt Susie got more, maybe she will share! :)

I have worked everyday this week but Monday, so its been a busy, unusual one for us. Our schedules are all off!
Today we got a new addition to our family! His name is Cooper, and he is a yorkie. Him and Addison made fast friends, and he has really taken to her more than any of us! She absolutely LOVES him as you can tell by the look on her face when she found him downstairs after nap. She even cried because he was laying down and she couldnt see his face, and when he looked up at her, she started laughing :) She calls him pooper, haha. Cooper and Addie have the same hair do! I wonder if they use the same salon?

Speaking of poopers, Addie told me that she had to go potty today at work. I brushed it off, but she kept saying it, so I took her to the potty. I could tell she was trying to go, and then she let out a big toot! Haha. I was just glad that she is starting to recognize the potty sensations! She pooped about 10 mins later, so I know she really did have to go. I figure at least its progress!
Today when we were in the car, she was mimicking the message I left for Josh. I guess I say "Um..." a lot, because she was in the backseat going "Um, blahblahblah(fill in Addie speak here), Um, blahblahblah...okay, um..." It was quite amusing!
This morning she looked at the YMCA sign, as per every morning, but today she read more letters than Y. She said "Look...Y!...A!...M!" haha. It was funny considering how often she hears YMCA together! :)
Well, Off to check on my two boys. I am sure that Josh just wanted to even out the playing field in the house and make it two boys and two girls :)

1 comment:

Polly said...

already told you but he is so cute! You know need a new stick figure for your header!