Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Happy almost anniversary to us!

Lets see. Where do I begin?
In the past three years we have...gotten married. Removed my gallbladder. Traded in a car. Added braces. Bought a house. Got a dog. Got rid of the dog. Traded in another car. Quit a job and found a new one. Commuted nearly 90 minutes one way. Found out we were pregnant. Put our house on the market. Moved to williamsburg. Had a baby. Moved again. I got a job. Got a dog. And here we are today :)
To the love of my life- these have been the most amazing, rewarding, trying, incredible three years of my life, and with so much happening in the first three, I cant wait to see what the next 50 bring! I love you.

This will probably be a scattered, long post, as I am yet still recovering from our past three weekends of weddingpalooza 2008.

Addison is growing up before our eyes. She has conversations now, where she actually initiates the thoughts. Its kinda bizarre. She is so observant, you never know what is going to come out of her mouth! She is really into choo choos right now, and she keeps telling me about listening for the trains at Grammys house. When I repeat back what she told me, she always says "Molly", so that I know that Molly was there too.
Sunday was the first time that she had really "missed" me while I have been gone, and the look on her face when I came home was one that I will never forget. She talked my ear off after I got home, telling me everything I missed. I couldnt believe how much it felt like she had grown up in twenty four hours!!
While we are continuing to learn our letters and numbers (She recognizes about 7/10 numbers ALL the time, and the other 3 sometimes, and about half of her letters (I cant imagine how she learned Y!haha) We are also working on colors and shapes. She made her own sign for circle, which is funny. She also made up her own sign for wiggles, and for bear. She is silly. She really makes me work for it!
Today at work the kids were comparing underwear, and Addie was just showing her diaper. So I bought her some undies to practice wearing over her dipe in hopes that she will get the potty fever. (I can dream, cant I!?) She has asked to use the potty at work a couple times now, none successful, but I figure she is going at home some still, so were making progress, right!?
Cooper is doing good, he is making progress, I was so excited that he went potty outside all day today. Actually this morning, Josh took him out and he went, and then Addie went in the potty when she woke up, so it was an exciting morning for us!
We are also working on Addie dressing herself. The pics of her shoe are when she put her shoe on all by herself! She was so proud, even if it was on the wrong foot!

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