Sunday, September 14, 2008

A visit from Col-col!

On Friday I had to take Addison back to the doctor. She coughed so hard during her nap on Thursday that she ultimately ended up making herself sick. Apparently her allergies are still really bad, so on top of the zyrtec they put her on a week or so ago, she now needs pulmicort with her allbuterol in her breathing treatments, and is on singulair, too! So thats four different medicines to try to get this chick back on track. Hopefully soon we will be down to just the occasional neb treatment. She continues to be in good spirits, and is even getting on of her I teeth (finally!) She has even started holding her neb mask on her own. What a big girl!
Uncle Cole came to visit this weekend, and Addison adores him. This was the first time she was really meeting and getting to spend time with him, since the last time he saw her was Christmas, and she had just started walking, and definitely wasnt talking nearly as much as she is now! When she saw him, it was like a lightbulb went off in her head, and she immediately went and pointed to his picture, and then went over to touch him, as if to make sure that he was real! :) It was really cute. Everywhere we went she had to make sure he was coming, and when she woke up, she didnt even want to get her diaper changed because she wanted to go see Cole and Coop. Uncle Cole got her an OSU shirt, and she was so happy and proud to have an "O" shirt just like Co-co!
She was sad to see him go and couldnt understand that he was going back to grammy and grandpas and that she wasnt going. We went to the grocery store after he left, and when she got back, she pointed to the arm chair and said "Col-col", as if to say, this is his chair, where is he?
I got Josh the Wii for our anniversary. I had planned on saving up and getting it for his birthday, but since Target had them in stock, I went ahead and got it, since I didnt know what supplies would be like closer to xmas. Its a blast! We all had fun taking turns playing!
Addie got some new shoes- they are pink converse high tops. She looks absolutely adorable in them. Even Josh, who was skeptical about my choice, thinks they look cute :)
It seems that Addie might finally be coming out of her picture strike, she was posing for me this morning. Hope everyone had a great weekend! Have a safe trip to Africa, Uncle Cole!! Bring us back a giraffe!

1 comment:

MKatesMommy said...

She's so sweet! And a smart little girl. I love the shoes personally! Just bought Madison some teal low top converse last week!