Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Trunk or Treat

What a great, busy weekend we had. We started out with going to the Y's fall festival on Friday night. They had games inside and trunk or treating outside. Addison got so many compliments on her costume. Its funny how a dress can change her personality so much...its like she knows she is on! She had a blast playing the games, especially since everyone was a winner, and after every game she got to choose a piece of candy out of the bowl. Now mind you, she has no idea what it is, really, but she liked being given the power to choose! (Although Daddy was doing his best to persuade her to choose the candy he liked!)

On Saturday we headed up north because I had my last wedding of the season. Hooray!
We got to see Uncle Cole and hear all about his trip to Africa. What an amazing trip he had! We were happy to see him and happy he made it home safely.
On Sunday we met Auntie Jess (Sleppy) and Uncle Dave for lunch on our way home. I cant believe its been a year since we had seen them last. I miss them so much! I was so glad we got a chance to visit with them, even if it was brief. Addie took right to them, like she remembered them :) Jess had fun playing with Cooper, while David played with Addison, so Josh and I were so tempted to hop in the car and make a run for it...haha :) We wouldnt do that! (Or would we!?)

We got home just in time for a quick visit from Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Rich! Uncle Rich hadnt seen our new place, or seen Addie in almost a year either, so it was so good to see him, even if it was just for a few minutes! Hopefully we will be able to catch up with him, Diana and Taylor over the holidays!

Speaking of holidays, I am officially trying my hardest not to be bah humbug about xmas anymore. I really want to make it fun for Addison, and we even picked out a new tree skirt tonight. I will post a separate blog of Addisons wish list, since that way no one can say they lost it!

It is officially fall here in Williamsburg. Yesterday the mercury took a nosedive and in two hours dropped about 25 degrees! It was crazy. Addison got to wear a sweater today, and she was so snuggly in it, I couldnt get enough of her, so of course I took some pics. Just a typical day in the Everett household...sigh :)

Cooper gets fixed tomorrow...wish him luck and hope he comes out being a better man!

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