Friday, July 13, 2007


Addison and I have been super busy this week going to playdates and hanging out with our friends. It seems like Addison just discovered how to play. While she is sitting up she will pick up toys, pick up one in each hand, and examine them carefully. When she is laying on her belly, she will tap something in front of her, or try to reach for things. It is truly amazing to see her little mind in motion. She already loves the remote- she really must be daddys little girl! She hasnt been up on all fours since that first time...but shes close. She is so eager to move that she gets really frustrated that she keeps going backwards!
I am pretty sure that she is teething- she has been VERY cranky, and ALWAYS has to have something in her mouth. I feel so bad for her, I dont even feel any teeth yet, so it seems like this is going to be a long grueling process!
On a weight loss note, I hit the 150's this week (159!haha)Although I have a long way to go, this is definitely progress from the 185 I was after Addison was born. Its the slowest process ever, but I am trying really hard to watch what I am eating, and how much. I need to start exercising more, but its just so hot out! Hopefully it will cool off in the next couple of days so that Addison, Josh and I can go on our nightly walks. When we move, we will be within walking distance to the park. I am excited! :) My goal is to be back down to 125-130 by the time I get my braces off this winter. Support is greatly appreciated! :)

1 comment:

MKatesMommy said...

Patience... soon she will be p and moving and their will be little time for food or rest. At 10 months Madison took off on her little tw feet and it has been nonstop since. Use your energy to love that little blessing and everything else will fall into place =o)