Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wake Up, Addie! ( I think this is the longest post EVER)

There is a wiggles song called "Wake Up, Jeff!". Its a big joke on the show, the purple wiggle, Jeff, is always sleepy and they randomly find him and have to wake him up. Addison, the avid Wiggles fan that she is, requests this song from the "mommy jukebox" every night during bathtime. She says (and does her sign) "wiggles" and then when I ask which song, she says "Jeff" and lays her hands next to her head to signify sleep. The lyrics are:

Wake up, Jeff, everybody’s wiggling
Wake up, Jeff, we really need you
Wake up, Jeff; you’re missing all the fun now
Wake up, Jeff, before the days through

Me, being the funny mommy that I am, started replacing Jeff with Addie a few weeks ago. My smartypants little girl now thinks its hilarious, and will think of names as quickly as I can sing them to replace them. A typical "Mommy Jukebox" Version, with the Addison remix goes:

Wake up, Addie, everybody’s (addie interrupts with "Mommy!") wiggling
Wake up, Mommy, we really(addie interrupts with "Pooper!") need you
Wake up, Cooper; you’re missing(addie interrupts with "Mama!") all the fun now
Wake up, Grandma, before the days through

Followed, of course, by about four more of various people. :) Its super cute. Who knew she was that quick?

Her three word phrases have become quite amusing. Most of them are descriptive, like "A baby's blanket" or Commanding like "I getchew Pooper!" The funny thing is that when they are a phrase followed by a name, such as "Bless you Mommy", she says the phrase, adds a looooong pause, and then says the name. So its like "Besh you..........Mommeeeeee." It makes me melt.
Today she was sitting at her table, putting her babydoll to sleep, and all of a sudden, she looks up at me with her head tilted, and the cutest little posed face she could possible muster up, and says "ice cream?" I dont know what made her think of it, its been a while since she has had any, but it was so cute and funny :)

Cooper has taken a liking to all of Addies stuffed friends. Its doesnt hurt that they are all over the house, and that Addison on occasion bombards him with them. Some of them are bigger than Coop. Heck, some of them are bigger than Addie!

Coop has taken a real liking to a certain giraffe. I dont know what it is about our long neck friend, but he sure is popular. I dont know who loves him more!

I was curious after thinking about this blog (yes, I do at times think about these things in advance) about how many pictures we have of giraffe. He may just be lurking in some of these pictures, but he is always there! This is just from me randomly picking folders of pictures...can you imagine how many we must have!? And... Look how clean he was! he never knew he would be so loved!

1 comment:

Roxanna said...

What great pictures! She is getting so big!