Monday, January 19, 2009

Oh to be almost two...

Addison is just plain funny. I think all "two" year olds are, but when you are around her all day long, she starts rubbing off on you.
When she says "meow" she actually says "neen-yow". So we joke that she is a japanese kitty. We spent the good part of the afternoon on Friday, crawling around on our  hands and knees, saying "neen-yow". And when I would try to say "meow", she would correct me!
Her favorite sign is "drink". I dont know why, but she does it all the time, and she even does it when she actually means something else. The sign for drink is an obvious one...
but for some reason in Addie-sign, she sticks her thumb to her mouth and holds her pinky out like she is hitting the bottle. Anyway, the other night, she looked at Josh and said "Mommy drink" picture her saying this with the "hitting the bottle" sign...Josh just had to laugh and ask me if I had been boozin' during the day again.
She has very precise words and phrases that she uses for certain things. She has a little bit of a lisp, and so when she says yes, it actually sounds like "yesth". Its very cute, because she says it so deliberately. Makes you feel like you say the word wrong! We were driving the other day and she asked me to go to the house. Silly me, thought she meant she wanted to go to our house, so I said that we were going. Silly me. We pulled in the drive way, and she cried, "no, mommy, no HOME, HOUSE!" She knows what she means and expects you to, too!
She is still jumping, all the time, now that she can. Her George doll is her best friend right now, and she talks to him, and apparently, he talks back. She has started blaming things on the stuffed animals...she is going to be one sneaky two year old!
Apparently, when you live in Virginia, and you have only seen snow once in your two year old life, your instincts teach you how to make floor "angels" instead of snow angels. I dont know how she learned this (Danielle?) but after crawling around pretending to be japanese kitty cats, she INSISTED that we throw ourselves on the floor and make "anhels, mommy!" I drew the line at laying on the hard kitchen floor, but did do one on the carpet for her!
Here are some random pictures. Things have been a little crazy around here.
We are off to stay at the timeshare next week while we complete our move, and *gasp* supposedly they dont have internet, so its very possible that I am MIA for a while...I know youre sad, but think of all the fun things I will have to share when I return!

making floor angels...

dancing with daddy...

dancing with her shadow at the house..

making letters like princess presto!...

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