Wednesday, January 14, 2009

okay, okay, okay...

Is what Addison says. Just kidding, she copies me when I say it. I know its been a while, but I think I have good reason. This past weekend was a partypalooza. We celebrated my moms 60th! Birthday Party in style, by throwing her a party at Taras. Good food, good wine, good company. Thank you to Aunt Sue & Charlie, Norma and Reuben, and Grandpa for making the LONG trip down to help us celebrate. We really appreciate it, and it wouldnt have been the same without you! We had a great time catching up, watching Addison boss around her cousins friends, and watching football. Addison was a trooper and I think she may have even done better than some of the adults! On sunday morning, we woke up bright and early and headed to jake and mikes restaurant to host Tara's baby shower! I dont know about anyone else, but I thought the food was great, the atmosphere was right, the lighting was a little dim, but I LOVED that they personalized the menus for us! Thanks to all of those who traveled to get to the shower! You really made the shower special! I think the entire weekend was a success, but it left all of us crawling to our beds with exhaustion!
On the homefront, we are still busy getting ready for the big move. Furniture hunting, packing, trying to stay out of Josh's way...were busy little bees, and I for one cannot wait for it to be complete and done and we can be settled again.
It has kind of shadowed the fact that a certain little princess has a BIG birthday coming up. Terrible, so they say, and I am definitely starting to believe it. It has to be the most fun and most exhausting yet! The chitter chatter, the tantrums, the attitudes, the giggles. She is just too much. She talks in sentences the majority of the time, and they are usually funny. Tonight she was climbing on Daddys back and told me that she was a giant! her imagination is running wild, and she is becoming quite the little story teller. She loves to match things, she will tell you "Its the SAME!", and her new favorite thing to point out is the toyota symbol...if she sees another toyota, she tells me "Its the SAME mommy, same as mommy's har"
Today, she finally learned how to JUMP! If you have been following since she was little, then you know that she has thought that she could jump for about six months, but she never successfully got her feet off the ground. Until today...and now, in her words, not mine, she is a "jumping monkey!"
We had a new addition to the family arrive today...Josh's new 52" LCD. Oh yes, you read that right, 52". It is currently in a box taking up half of our living room. He is very proud of it, and thinks it blog worthy, so I figured it could have 5 minutes of fame.
Here are a couple pictures, I know that Scott has some more ;)


1 comment:

MrsMMC said...

its about time you updated lady! ;) oh wait...that should be my comment to myself. maybe i shall be inspired to update soon. i cant believe addison is going to be 2!!! this is one of the most fun ages! everything is sooo new to them that they get excited over everything. i figured i should leave ya a comment since i told ya about my stalking LOL glad your mom had a great celebration. this past october would have been my moms 60th. ok, sorry for the novel. i had to make up for all of the times i didnt comment